Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Style - Black Half-Coat Suit, White Blouse and Red Heels…

Underneath the braids and weaves that I usually rock is actually a short hair cut. I must confess that it is tricky to maintain short hair than to maintain weaves and braids, braids obviously being the simplest. Anyway, just decided to mention it since you will notice a short hair cut in some of my pics. 

That aside, holidays are over and it is back to work for most of us. One of my favorite official wear is this Black Half-Coat Suit that I usually combine with different blouses. I once wore it with a White blouse and a Red pair of heels. Whenever I wear Black and White I always find it chic to throw on something Red in color, be it a scarf, a handbag or even shoes. I just love how Red blends in with Black and White.


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