Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Shoes – My Image!

Are shoes just a woman's thing? Do we just buy them for protecting our feet? or going to work? or to the gym?

I smile when I see a beautiful pair of shoes. Not only are they for protecting the feet but also many other purposes…..!!Personally I have more than a hundred pairs of shoes…..each with its own story….some of which I have even nicknamed as sisters….depending on maybe their ability to blend with one outfit.

One will ask me why do I have many pairs of shoes?......’’But Beyonce, Eva Longoria,J-Lo, Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks,……’’ am speechless. Shoes give you authority, class, confidence….Shoes can give you a job!!Yes!!One will actually know the type of person you are from type of shoes you got….Beautiful shoes make you get noticed from a distance, from a crowd. They make a woman sexy….Show me a woman who doesn’t wanna be seen as sexy and I give you all my pairs of shoes…it’s a bet.

With their different colors shoes can transform a whole out fit. From sandals to heels to sports shoes…..they actually act as accessories!.For me, shoes are actually an indicator of the kinda mood am in.

Is there anyone who can do without shoes? Really? I know I can stay without music…but shoes…? Second to nature.

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