Monday, April 22, 2013

My Style ~ Polka Dot Chiffon Blouse, Black Skirt and Crimson Red Peep Toes…..

Today I decided to break the rules from my normal Monday dress code. I would normally be in a corporate Blue shirt and Dark Blue official pants. Mondays are always short. I don’t know why people hate them though. In fact, I prefer Mondays to Tuesdays. …..out of topic, I know. Anyway, I love looking good and being all bright for Mondays. I mean, to drive away all the Monday Blues. And so my Polka Dot Chiffon Blouse, my Black Skirt and Red Peep toes will do me some justice.....I think. Do I look laid back for the office on a Monday? I guess it’s more of a Friday’s look….but whatever makes me happy. Notice the Red lipstick and the Neck piece? Nice? Yes, No? Yes of course. Enjoy your week ahead y’all.


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