Monday, April 8, 2013

Perfume, Eau de Perfume, Eau de Toilette, Eau de Cologne.....

Have you seen these names on colognes and wondered what exactly they mean. Well, they basically stand for the strength of a scent that is in terms of the percentage of the essential oils there in. Let me not start by teaching you how they are pronounced…..just because I can :-p

This contains like 22% of the essential oils and is usually the strongest plus the most expensive. It’s the most concentrated form of a scent. I actually don’t own any cologne with this percentage.......but I will….. soon.

Eau de Perfume
This contains less essential oils than the perfume. Something less than 22% but more than 15%. Most of my colognes are Eau de Perfume. Just saying.

Eau de Toilette
The concentration is approximately 8-15%.They are less strong than Eau de Perfume but that doesn’t mean designer colognes with Eau de Toilette are not original. Colognes with such concentration can for example be used in places where people are gathered for a while e.g. in church or a movie theatre. I mean you don’t wanna choke people with your scent… do you?

Eau de Cologne
This is the weakest of them all. Really weak and cheapest too. The essential oils are less  than 5%. I personally won't buy a cologne with such concentration. *smiles*

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