Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Style ~ Dark Blue Pencil Skirt, Red and Dark Blue Stripped Shirt...

Today has been and still is a great day. From the official announcement of the promotion I got at work, to the token and certificate I received for performing well in my KPIs…..what can I say? I am happy…very happy. Anyway, I am not going to post anything for the next one week since I am finally going to migrate the blog. I haven’t yet decided whether I will be migrating to or though I am for the latter. The am part represents the first two letters of my last two names while faithtweedy represents my first names in full.
Before I go mute, I thought I should share what I am wearing today. A pencil skirt and a Red and Dark Blue stripped shirt. I love this skirt because it fits perfectly. In fact, I bought it and wore it without having to take it to the tailor.  The shirt, well it’s bright in colour. Check me out and I’ll check you out next week. 


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