Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Style ~ Golden Boyfriend Shoes, Green Apple Bottoms Tee and Blue Faded Jeans…

I don’t like Sunday evenings *sob sob*. And why does the weekend seem so short like that? Anyway, today I went to church. The sermon was on loyalty. If you are not loyal to your masters or those that you lead, expect the same someday. If you despise them, expect to be despised too. It was ‘dress casual Sunday’ by the way. I wore my Golden Boyfriend shoes. I just wanted a relaxed Sunday and therefore, no heels. Besides, I love these Golden Boyfriend shoes simply because they are Golden in colour. It is safe to say for metallic colours, Gold is my favourite. So I combined the Golden shoes with Blue faded jeans and a Green Apple Bottoms Tee. Simplicity at its best…maybe or maybe not but I rocked. Enjoy your week peeps and as usual, you want to keep off humans with negative energy.


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